
Main Season is staring right up here – Friday delivery, Saturday/Tuesday or Wednesday farm call by appointment (text ahead).

Main and Extended have the option of Full share, which is $35/week or personal share for $25. Farm call gets to pick what you want…

2024 CSA dates:

Winter Season: 6  weeks


Apr 6

Green Season: 8 weeks

Apr. 12

May 24

Main Season: 20 weeks

May 31

Oct 11

Extended Season: 4 weeks

Oct 18

Nov 8

The general outlook for weather is that the Spring will be much warmer than average. In fact barring another arctic blast so far the end of January is up near the 60’s causing all kinds of things to start waking up…

The link below references 2023 – a new link will be generated as February commences

Weather and 2023

FAQ (below link) updated 1/1/2023… tells you all about signing up.

For basic questions about the CSA, the two links following are most useful:

CSA and CSA FAQs – info specific to the CSA…

—– and so:

Boyce’s Shilofarm is more than just a CSA – it includes many different traditional farm elements that are from the time when a 80 acre farm was the sole means of support for a family. Well, retirement makes it possible for us to do that here, and we want to share it. So – here is what we do, and why we do it:

  • The farm has a CSA, which is the main point of contact with the community. It also is something that keeps us going almost all year. 
  • We raise hay. Quite a bit of it actually. There are a few hardy people who seem to enjoy helping us bring in the hay each summer.
  • We have 26 acres of Forest (and a sawmill). It is a great place to get away from Urban/Suburban life for a walk.
  • We had a small herd of beef – up until 2023… a now-rare breed called Red Poll, which are noted for the flavor of their meat and being easy to fatten on grass. In theory, the beef herd is no more. That is good and sad at the same time!
  • We have interesting farm places and things to let kids and adults experience hands-on what a farm is.

Check us out!