Some nice weather, and all the plants that were waiting in trays have made it into the ground – the main beds are starting to look like they were supposed to be in May!

The front row in the above picture shows just how miserably the green beans germinated. New seed, sprouted in the trays and then planted this week should give a nice crop, just later than “the plan.” There is a whole additional tray of sprouted bean seed which will be added to one of the other rows – specifically for bulk you-pick if you like quarts of beans to freeze or can. Of course, there could still be some crop disaster yet to come – snow in August? Nyah.

Some of the newly set out plants are getting with the program, so to speak. The Eggplant is probably the furthest along – several are blossoming. Eggplant is one of those strange plants that just keeps getting larger and larger – there are so many plants set out that ‘baby eggplant’ can be provided while the giant eggplant develops. Practically speaking fruit is still 4-5 weeks out – as well as the Bell and Hot peppers. Celery is adapting to the harsh reality of living outside – but it is thriving. Celery is one of those crops where the nominal portion is a stick or few – when they get some size you will be able to ask for more. Or less.

Meanwhile, there are Radishes this week, as well as the opportunity for baby Turnip greens. There are a few of you who are firmly anti-turnip – but might like some of the baby greens. Farmer’s choice people will be getting some of the baby greens in a baggie, because they wilt pretty fast and, well, they are baby greens.

Speaking of baby plants – the very first tomato slicer and cherry tomato are ripe. The challenge: who gets the “one” tomato?

There are lots and lots of green tomatoes which means more next week, and then the tomato floodgates are open.
The baby potatoes are really great tasting – so far the four varieties being harvested are the classic Red Norland and Yukon Gold, but also the purple skin variety is called “Huckleberry” and the pure white is called “Cal White.” There are two more varieties which are later and will be let to grow to be larger, as well as a large planting of a dry roasting potato for September. Oh yes, there is a ‘variety’ planting of many different fingerling potatoes which are also supposed to be harvested in September.
One more warning – lots of warm season crops which are usually grown are either very late or not available this year. There won’t be any melons, for example. Those are 90-day typically, and there just isn’t 90 days of growth heat this year.
Oh – one last thing: This is the last week where Roses are the primary flower. Stock, Statice, Snapdragon and the rest of the cut flowers are nearly ready. That said – if you are just burning with the need to have roses, there are a LOT of rose bushes in full bloom. LOTS. Feel free to schedule a “rose garden tour” with the flower farmer!
Here is the list for this week:
Lettuce | Cegolaine or Red Sails or Red Iceberg. Really good looking lettuce |
Brassicas | Bok Choi, a few small cabbage. The cabbage may not have a firm head yet. |
Roots | Cherry Belle Radishes – 2-3 per. Three weeks till baby Avalanche beets, Turnips. |
Greens | Mustard … all gone, back in 2 weeks – setting out now Chard – White, Small Red leaf; new red in 3 weeks – setting out now. Spinach – New Spinach is 3-4 weeks – none this week. Arugula – quite a bit Baby Turnip Greens – unless you have previously decline Turnips. Hey – 14% protein in Turnip Greens! |
Herbs | Mint, Oregano, Chives, Cilantro, Parsley, Basil, Celery leaves – remember to ask if you want more or less of a herb. LOTS of parsley available, by the way. |
Misc | Snap peas. New Potatoes – Red Norland, Huckleberry. Flower of the week: Rose. Small Bulb Onion. Someone gets a Tomato. One cherry (Apertif) and one Slicer (Stupice) – more next week. |
Coming very soon: Lots of Tomatoes in 2 weeks. Baby Cucumbers are growing, might have a few in the next week. Turnips, Beets going great. Carrots are up (55 days). Raspberries starting to get ripe, Boysen Berries are depending on weather about 2 weeks. Early apples are late. Few peaches mid-July.
Here we go…