Hope you are having a great summer – the farm is hopping right now – and the weather is getting some good in for a change! And here it is week 8…

Not exactly veggies, but hay, what can you say. There are almost 40 acres of hayfield and grazing paddocks on the farm – and it is time to make hay – you know, while the sun shines?
Meanwhile, in the garden things are growing and starting to show up. Some of you got a half pint or so of Raspberries last week – there will be some more berries, albeit not flats and flats. Boysenberries are getting ripe at the same time as the raspberries, but the raspberries as with the early strawberries just aren’t happy. It is also time to check and see if there are any Peaches getting ripe; lots of trees were damaged in 2021’s heat dome event but there should be some to add to boxes as they come along. Alas, as far as can be determined there might be four or five figs. Figs really do not like frost, and that is a fact.
Beans and corn are finally making some growth – the bean trellis goes up this week. A few of you might of had a small russet (young) potato in the mix last week; it is time to switch to some of the later potatoes. The “Grand Duke” yellow potato has the deepest tubers ever seen here – so digging them is literally digging deep.
Flower Farmer has pronounced this as the first week for cut flower arrangements. The roses are mostly a matter of selection; the cut flowers are a project to select. Almost everything (except the snapdragons) is available, so the questions of selection become more art than science.

Stock in the foreground, Statice in the back and right, you might just notice the Zinnias as well. The other flowers are located outside the garden include Calundia and a host of other things which are all lovely to behold.

The veggie story is a bit mixed. Obviously, the 4-6 week delay of Spring is hitting the ‘what is in the box’ this week. According to “the plan” there should be green beans now. Well. The green beans are not ready now. Nor is the corn. Nor is the summer squash. Et cetera ad naseum. Oddly enough even the Tomatoes are behind what is the expected practice – the good news is that they have officially started the cycle, and will soon be Too Many. There are even some tiny cucumbers on the vines – one lucky member had one in the box last week (instead of a tomato).
So – more good things are coming. Really. More potatoes?
in the box for this week:
Lettuce | Cegolaine or Red Sails or Red Iceberg. Really good looking lettuce; The red sails is actually just fine. There are a few heads of Italienischer as well. |
Brassicas | Bok Choi – limited quantity – some bug is attacking, and the Bok Choi does NOT like warm weather. |
Roots | Red Meat Radishes – quite a few – there are a few Cherry Belle, but they are getting to the end. Baby Turnips and Baby Avalanche (white) Beets are possible in your box. |
Greens | Mustard … coming along, not this week. Chard – White only; Red is also about 2-3 weeks more – 2″ leaf this week. Spinach – nope. Arugula – yep. Nice size for salads – trying not to give out too leggy of a plant. Baby Turnip Greens, Baby “Avalanche” white beet greens |
Herbs | Mint, Oregano, Chives, (Cilantro – not till it cools off), Parsley, Basil, Celery leaves – remember to ask if you want more or less of a herb. LOTS of parsley available, by the way. Celery is getting bigger – outside celery is still smaller than inside celery. |
Misc | Snap peas – a few. Potatoes – Assortment – smaller Russet, Huckleberry, Cal White, Grand Duke. Flower of the week:Cut Flowers. Small Bulb Onion. Some of you might get a Tomato. Really not at their best yet. Raspberry or Boysenberry if can get picked. |
Coming very soon: Lots of Tomatoes in (tbd) weeks. Baby Cucumbers are growing, might have a few next week. Turnips, Beets going great. Carrots are up (55 days). Checking peaches as the week progresses.
Anyone want a hay ride? All you have to do is come and help pick up bales… Starting probably Saturday, and periodically thereafter till done.