Last boxes of August/First boxes of September this week. Carrots and beans are making a debut, Broccoli, Cauliflower and Cabbage are being shy. Note that those 90+ days that seem to pop up for two or three days in the row are NOT what Brocc, Caul and Cabb like. Oh, and corn is (finally) showing some sign of being a crop. What a goofy year for the garden… And not just the garden, mowing a first cut of hay on a field at the end of August is beyond strange. Customers like it.
Funny hay story: one of the hay customers raises rabbits commercially. He chose Shilofarm hay because it has a legume in it called “Lotus Major” which the rabbit people claim is The Ideal Rabbit Hay. So, Ben (the rabbit farmer) gave some to his most particular mom rabbit. Ben says that that rabbit will look at some hay and turn around and glare at Ben if it isn’t up to grade. Ben said, with a bit of a startled expression, “she loved it!” There has never been a review of Shilofarm hay by a rabbit before.

So – if you have a rabbit and need hay, come on down… Ben managed to get 14 bales in and on his minivan, which was pretty amazing to see. The Shilofarm gator is maxed out at ten, and with ten they fall off really easily.
So, that’s the farm story. Back to the garden, the Tomatoes are really the big crop right now. Another bonus box went out last week with Roma type for sauce – there are enough for one or maybe two bonus boxes again this week. Most boxes are getting quite a few slicers, but generally not getting Roma types unless there is a specific ask, which there is at least one. There is also quite a large number of field celery plants that are just kinda sitting there. The Celery in the greenhouse is producing well, and the nominal two or three stalks per box has been coming from there. If you wanted “lots” of celery for some culinary reason, just ask.
Beets are growing slowly because of the warmth, or so the presumption goes. The red beets are about the most happy, the white and orange colored are pretty small. Speculation is that the nasty cold spring followed by pretty hot isn’t conducive to root crop production. Actually, it isn’t good for most things. New trays of Cabbage are being set out now for late in the fall and on into the green season of next year under the fond hope that the winter will be an okay time for them.

The grape plants have lots of not-quite-ripe grapes – very pretty but not sweet yet. Generally speaking, unless you don’t want fruit you will be seeing some apples, grapes, maybe some blackberries in your box. The figs were very productive. Last year. All five of them this year were good, in case you were wondering.
So, Here’s the official ‘in the box’ list:
Lettuce | Cegolaine, possibly a ‘Red Sails’ or Green small romaine. Lots of plants set out and growing, doing very well. Red Iceberg is getting there, but nowhere close to the size of those mega-heads of a few weeks ago as yet. |
Brassicas | A few cabbage lurking… no luck on the Broc and Cauliflower yet. Is summer squash close enough to work for you? |
Roots | Red beets and White beets with greens. Carrots are a little bigger this week – one or two in your box for a baby carrot experience. Probably won’t put out turnips for a while. |
Greens | Curly Mustard, Red or White Chard, Arugula. Red Chard is really looking great. |
Herbs | Mint, Oregano. Chives (Cilantro – one plant left amongst the Celery), Parsley, Basil, Celery leaves. Garlic – one |
Misc | Potatoes – Assortment – Nokatah Russet, Huckleberry, Cal White. Your actual potatoes may vary. Nokatah are still in the majority. Bigger bulb onion and a few green onions. Flower of the week: Cut Flowers – a lot of cut flowers. Lots. And Tomato Cherries and Slicers. Tomatoes. Ask if you want Roma style Cooking tomatoes. Cukes. Lots of Cucumbers. If you want extra, ask. Bell peppers are still pretty small and green, should have some hot peppers. Patty Pan – there are a bunch, as well as Zucchini and maybe a hook neck. If you have a preference, drop a note… Eggplant – smaller purple (“Millionaire”) maybe a little fat round one… If you have a great recipe, drop it on the FB page! Probably a couple of apples. Unless they get forgotten in the turmoil of picking. |
Coming Soon: Beans, Bell peppers, Eggplant (more). Early apples next week maybe. Possibly. Grapes are bigger than last week, but that ain’t sayin much. Blackberries are full of verrrrry green fruit. Maybe a few next week. Or not.
BEEF: Half of the big cow – good chance to buy a quarter of a beef of Hamburger and sausage… And one young bull left. The “fatted calf.”