Happy September…
This is a continuation of “How strange is the weather.” In 2021, there was a frost in September. In 2022, it is running in the 80’s. The peppers and tomatoes are rocking it – and green beans are (finally) getting ripe. The Friday and Saturday crews last week got green beans, it looks like some of the Wednesday folk will this week. The beans are pretty poor examples of bean-hood. And, to top off the “bad news for the CSA” the farm learned a whole new lesson this year: Corn can’t be drip irrigated unless each row has it’s very own drip line. Why does this matter, you ask. Well. It turns out Corn has a very shallow root, and can’t reach down and get a drink. And when it can’t get a drink, it literally does NOT form ears. None. Zero. Nada. A whole bed of corn with: No ears of corn.
So – Yes on beans, no on corn. Peppers, coming. Carrots, looking amazing. And, for the soup makers, Parsnips are in great shape. The really great crop, obviously is the tomatoes. Lots and lots of tomatoes. Which brings to mind this point: There are soft and firm tomatoes. If you want to slice up for your tacos (an actual request) you want firm. The two options are Roma and a type called “Tasti Lee.” Generally, the tomatoes are portioned by dividing what is ripe into boxes without much regard to firm or soft, yellow or red, shoulders or not. If you have developed a specific taste choice, send an email! There is a List. The List is actually checked, although periodically things are missed.
Along that same line of thought there are lots and lots of Celery stalks, lots and lots of the small purple Eggplant, and lots and lots of Turnips. The current farmer’s choice leaves out extra celery, and the last couple of weeks did not put out any Turnips. Eggplant has been random. In particular, if you want more of these or less of these now would be a great time to reply to this email with your preferences. Oh, and by the way, there are quite a few carrots getting to be teenagers – you know, kinda long and skinny. Nominally you will get a couple – most folks will save them up; more are possible for those who ask.

Logging was done here up till 2019. In doing that, some hazel nut (wild) was chipped. If you want to have a stock (quart? gallon? bad?) of chips for your BBQ drop a note. There also is some black cherry firewood for your friendly fire pit if you have one – it is dried and split, bundle is $10, and there is more in the woods scheduled to migrate to the woodshed.
Oh – and there are a LOT of ripe blackberries. You can come and pick all you want – please. Preference is Saturday, wear long sleeves and pants or pay the price.
That takes us to the famous “in the box” list:
Lettuce | Cegolaine, possibly a ‘Red Sails’ or Green small romaine. |
Brassicas | A few cabbage lurking… no luck on the Broc and Cauliflower yet. Broc was attacked by Rabbits, and is now under cover. |
Roots | Red beets and White beets with greens. Carrots are plentiful and bigger. Ask for Turnips. |
Greens | Curly Mustard, Red or White Chard, Arugula. Lots of chard available, if you want extra ask. |
Herbs | Chives, Parsley, Basil, Celery – two stalks nominal, ask for more. |
Misc | green beans – not enough for everyone, lots of blossoms and not ready pods. Potatoes – Assortment – Nokatah Russet, Huckleberry, Cal White. Huckleberry is drawing to a close. Bigger bulb onion and a few green onions. Flower of the week: Cut Flowers – a lot of cut flowers. You might get roses, there is a new bloom set. And Tomato Cherries and Slicers. Tomatoes. Ask for firm if that is what you prefer. Cukes – starting to thin out, not as many of the giant English style. To everything, there is a season… Bell peppers are now big and green, hot peppers are also big and green, may be some of the small yellows. Summer squash is on a roll – lots of patty pan, some hook neck and some zucchini. Eggplant – lots of smaller purple, quite a few little fat round ones. You will get Eggplant unless you said never… Some of the green grapes are ripe. These are not grocery store grapes; more to come. Probably a couple of apples. Unless they get forgotten in the turmoil of picking. |
Coming Soon: Bell peppers, Blackberries available you-pick.
BEEF: Still have Half of the big cow – good chance to buy a quarter of a beef of Hamburger and sausage… And one young bull left. The “fatted calf.”