April Monthly Update

Hope you are enjoying the spring-like moments that are happening – The garden is getting ready to be a very busy place – There are probably 35 trays of seedlings that are just itching to be set out after what seems like a last frost this week. The greenhouse is full, and there are a bunch of trays in the house as well. Most of these seedlings will be for the main season coming up in 10 weeks or so – the Green season plants are in the greenhouse or in the ground outside under cover.

12 trays of seedlings in the house… and lots more in the greenhouse!

Perhaps the single biggest factor in a big outbreak of farming optimism is a combination of the near term warmth and the long term climate prediction: The 10 day forecast has one big important thing in it: Warmer days! Yeah, some rain but that is to be expected for April.

Warmer is better… now, will it come back up?

The next big crop for Green Season is a really nice stand of green Cabbage – a small head, but in very good condition. There is also a stand of Kale that is outside; the Kale, Broccoli and Cauliflower outside are just showing their recovery from being transplanted and showing nice new growth. There is a big stand of Lettuce out there as well, which promptly lost all the initial leaves and is now starting real outside lettuce leaves. Once again, this is all for Green Season.

Cabbage trying to form heads. Yay for Cabbage!

Inside the greenhouse the Chard and Wasabi mustard are likewise just recovering from transplant shock, but doing great. The main Lettuce for Green Season is a combination of Cegolaine and Winter Density – the Red Iceberg that was primary for the Winter season is running down which is good, since the Tomatoes are going to want in those beds fairly soon.

It is probably worth mentioning at this point that Green Season, which includes delivery, starts next week. Delivery schedule for Green Season is not set until membership is locked down – the members who are in Winter season are continuing, thus far there only a few additions for Green season. Green Season is a “Salad” season, much as Winter. The shortfall is that the crunchy crops are a gap between Winter and Main – the challenge is that outside planting of root crops isn’t really practical until next week.

The other item that is worth bringing to your attention is that there are some really fine farmcraft items available – some of which will be put on either Craigslist (Geranium plants, Cedar Pots/Planters) or on FB Marketplace. Those of you who might be interested – reply to this email or touch base on FB messenger.

A “Martha Washington” Geranium in a Cedar pot
Awesome embroidery cloth over frame for hanging

So: Big take-away: Are you “in” for the Green Season?

By Doug

--- 'farmer doug' is the planner and heavy lifter for the CSA and the LLC. Loves to teach; "ask him the time, he'll tell you how to make a clock." Always has a new idea to try, some of which work. BTW - if you try and phone call, and you are NOT in his caller ID you will not be answered - just leave a message and you will be called right back.


  1. I am interested in the CSA, however, you stated that you are organic, but not certified. Would you mind giving me a little more information as to what that actually means. I would really appreciate the feedback. Thanks

    1. Sure. Certification is a process that isn’t something that we want to go after. We do not go out of our way to get organic certified seed or potting soil, for example. The fertiliser we do use is simple 16/16/16 or similar. All weed control is mechanical. Any insect treatment is organic or croo barrier. You are welcome to do a visit if you would like.

      1. Thanks for the reply Doug, and yes I would like to do a visit. Tell me what I need to do in order to make this happen. I look forward to hearing from you and visiting the farm.

        1. Sorry Greta, I missed the message telling me this comment was here. The only days that we are NOT here all day are Fridays; I sent email to you using the email used to post your comment. If that email isn’t good, message me again.

          1. I apologize as well Doug, but things got a bit hectic for me, but I will try to follow-through and visit the farm as soon as the rain clears…
            that was a little bit of humor, but I will definitely make a visit soon. Thank you for your responses.

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