the 15th Week of Main Season!

The surprise of the week was an accidental delivery of a winter squash. There is a feedback report due that tells how it tastes – Perhaps a text message should be sent to get information. It is a tiny squash – Gill’s Golden Pippen… and there are more of them thinking about being ripe. Sorta. The stem turning brownish is the primary clue. In general, a winter squash gets sweeter as it cures after picking – but impatient people want to have their squash now…

Gill’s Golden Pippen – winter acorn type squash

Meanwhile, of course, the summer squash are in full production – well past what any normal person could possibly ever want. Fortunately, the draft horses think summer squash are horse grapes, and eat them in bunches with evident pleasure, and considerable slobbering. Their manners are less than polished.

The second premature picking was an ear of corn. The first clue that this was a bit too early was the stark white color of the kernels. Mind you, the silk was dry, mostly, and brown so surely it was ripe. It was not. It did actually taste sweet and corn-like, but the horses got that as well – one got the ear, the other got the shuck. It is important to be fair to the horses, lest they become resentful and act badly. All that to say, there will not be corn in your box this week but it is sure coming fast and lots of it, if you so desire.

Brown Silk… Ripe is coming!

The top irrigation area where the poor innocent beets, carrots, radishes are growing was assaulted this week by a mole. It was very distressing to see those poor root crops tossed to and fro. Sadly, the mole had a seizure and passed on to the mole reward – although the Voles chewing on the slicer tomatoes are still going strong. There are many, many  creatures large and small that consider a garden a free buffet. Your beets this week might show someone removed several leaves… It was not a human.

One last comment before The List: you have been getting green beans for several weeks now – feel free to drop a word that says “less beans.” This week is another big picking of beans, which means that the flower farmer can freeze the excess to her deep joy and satisfaction. Speaking of flowers – the roses have suddenly decided it is second spring and have a big bloom – That adds a choice for the flower of the week.

Double Delight Rose – a heritage variety

list for this week:

Lettuce Muir or Nevada leaf lettuce, green – smaller heads.
Brassicas Yes, you get more cabbage this week. Probably will be the last of it for a while, a bok choi might show up. Kale is taking the week off.
Roots  Yes, there are Beets, Carrots, Radishes, maybe a Japanese Salad Turnip.
Greens  Arugula, Chard,  Mustard, depending on how full the boxes are. It does need to fit – if you are known to be a fan of say Chard, there likely will be some in your box – same with Arugula.
Herbs Lots of Basil, Chives… Oregano and Mint if you ask
Misc tomatoes are less this week, pretty good with Cherries, but for some unknown reason besides the Vole Slicers are lagging.s. Potatoes – moving to more white/Russet. Red grapes – probably last week for grapes. Green (or yellow) beans, summer squash. Bulb Onion – not as big a crop this year as hoped. Possible cucumber.

By Doug

--- 'farmer doug' is the planner and heavy lifter for the CSA and the LLC. Loves to teach; "ask him the time, he'll tell you how to make a clock." Always has a new idea to try, some of which work. BTW - if you try and phone call, and you are NOT in his caller ID you will not be answered - just leave a message and you will be called right back.

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