CSA February “official” monthly update

It’s getting pretty real here right now – Winter season starts the 24th of February – there are four people (the limit this year) signed up – although one more might sneak in. A separate “welcome to the winter season” is going out later this week – if you think you are in the winter season and you don’t see an email… well, speak right up – it should go out Friday.

 As it sits, here is the seasonal schedule – which is also available on the web site – www.shilofarm.com

  • Winter (6 weeks) (Saturdays) 2/24, 3/2, 3/9, 3/16, 3/23, 3/30
  • Green  (Tuesday farm call or by arrangement, Friday deliver
    • First Tuesday is 4/2, Delivery is 4/5 and it runs for 8 weeks.
  • Main (Tuesday farm call or by arrangement, Friday delivery
    • First Tuesday is 5/28, Delivery is 5/31 and it runs for 20 weeks.
  • Extended Season (Tuesday farm call or by arrangement, Friday delivery
    • Fist Tuesday is 10/15, Delivery is 10/18 and it runs for four weeks

Personal share boxes are $25, full share boxes are $35/week. People pay by the week, or month, or season, or the whole year.

Season   Weeks    Personal    Full
Winter            6           $150      NA
Green             8            $200    $280
Main             20            $500    $700
Extended       4             $100    $140

The climate prediction and the weather pattern that is showing up now is really optimal for a great Winter and Green season, and likely an excellent summer with some of the warm season crops that are normally difficult here. At this precise moment the veggies for the winter season are on schedule, with green season plants either started or ready to be started.

baby chard and parsley nearly ready to set out


young and happy green onions

And there are more coming, of course. The farm intern is doing a lot of bed prep and seedling transplanting on her reduced schedule, and the farm not-intern is starting seeds and doing some bed construction. The mid 50’s days with sun breaks are really good for the cool season seedlings.

There is a big emphasis this season on getting more of the warm season outside crops going – especially peppers and eggplant, but also melons. There was a major seed germination problem last year with the melons that should not happen ever again…

After a prior member asked, the idea of doing farm call for a limited number of weeks or by ‘fencing out’ a vacation window has been considered – and, in fact, it can be done. If you are interested in a partial season, please reply with your desire and something can probably be worked out.

Lastly, there is a serious concern that these update emails end up in SPAM folders – and that the posts on the facebook group (Boyce’s Shilofarm CSA) are not making it out very far. It almost seems like the only sure-fire way to contact a person at this time is a text message – which is not really where we want to go with our communications. It isn’t obvious how to get around this black hole situation. There is an indicator of who sees the facebook pages – which is about a third of you. Now, if that is happening  asking you by email seems a little silly – so a Facebook post, update to the web site, and this email will have to do.

I suspect that was a futile point…

In any regards, we here at the farm are gearing up with hope for a wonderful crop season. Hey, we already have green onions and carrots coming on!

Oh yes – drop a note or email if you want in (and haven’t already done so)!

By Doug

--- 'farmer doug' is the planner and heavy lifter for the CSA and the LLC. Loves to teach; "ask him the time, he'll tell you how to make a clock." Always has a new idea to try, some of which work. BTW - if you try and phone call, and you are NOT in his caller ID you will not be answered - just leave a message and you will be called right back.


  1. Didn’t figure how to answer poll but “FARMER’S CHOICE” is our reply

    1. Whelp… this works. If you do farm call, which seems like the most recent conversation, you can point and shoot!

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