Wow –
This is the wrap up week for Winter season 2021 – time has really zoomed past. Hope you all have enjoyed getting the veggies as much as we enjoyed growing them for you!
All of you will be continuing on into the green season – first Wednesday delivery for that will be next week, obviously. Meanwhile you will be getting much as last week:
- Lettuces – Winter Density (green romaine/buttercrunch cross)
- Kale – mostly red, green is finally kicking into gear but is still pretty small.
- Curly Mustard – some of the leaves are looking a little pale – we try and select the best
- Green Onions – a couple. If you want more, let me know when you come or before Friday AM.
- Arugula – getting pretty long – it is hard to keep ahead of it and the Spinach. If you don’t want any, speak up.
- Chives, Garlic – Chives are starting to show some good growth. They really won’t be big till we get some more heat. March was unusually cool. Garlic is from our carry over from last Fall.
- Radishes – Mostly Dragon, possibly a cherry belle or a white.
- Beet greens – White; still pretty small.
- Parsnips – a couple or so. They are showing growth, and stock is getting low.
- Carrots – a bundle of the over-wintered carrots. We try and sort out the ones with bad spots. Green Season should have new carrots pretty soon; the tops on the plants are 6-8″ but as of late last week the root itself is pretty small.
- Cabbage and Pac Choi – the cabbage really didn’t come on like was hoped. Pac Choi did great; if you want two heads of lettuce instead of a head of Pac Choi that can be arranged.
- Spinach – still going strong.
Once again, it has been very good to have you all in the winter season. The winter season funds most of the seed purchases for green and main, and it lets us get some more experience with winter gardening. February is a very large challenge lately, The last three years has been much colder that was used to be the case, snow and lower 20’s. There are some changes that need to be made next year because of that.