The garden is really happy when the middle of March hits – lots of sun hours, and more every day. In fact, the whole farm is stretching and yawning, getting up and getting going. The cows, for example, were ecstatic about being put on fresh grass today – no more of that crusty old hay… Continue reading Week 6 Winter Season
Author: Doug
--- 'farmer doug' is the planner and heavy lifter for the CSA and the LLC. Loves to teach; "ask him the time, he'll tell you how to make a clock." Always has a new idea to try, some of which work. BTW - if you try and phone call, and you are NOT in his caller ID you will not be answered - just leave a message and you will be called right back.
Week 5 Winter Season
Officially this starts the second 4-week session of the winter garden. Obviously, it is still pretty much salad fixings – but there are some shifts to take into account. Bok Choi is replacing Cabbage as the second-green, the early radishes are done and gone, and white and red beets have greens big enough to be… Continue reading Week 5 Winter Season
March Update
Early March is always interesting. Prior years have been deep in snow, or mid 50’s during the day with sun breaks. The forecast people have not given a trustworthy guess as yet – they have delivered a guess (colder than average) but they have, in recent times, become “no longer a friend.” If the forecast… Continue reading March Update
Winter Season Week 4
Another week, another set of weird weather things behind us. The rain ‘thing’ ended up about 8″ over a three-day window – which was not fun here. The John Deere (Battery powered) Gator was just drowned and had to take a few days off in the barn to recuperate. All the alignment of boards and… Continue reading Winter Season Week 4
Winter Week 3
So much for warmish weather in February. To be honest, this isn’t really a surprise. The hard part is just doing a thorough job of protecting the very early warm season plants, and then going with the best data. Back in very early January it got down to 12F here; this most recent cold snap… Continue reading Winter Week 3
Winter Week 2
This last week was about as good as it can get for winter gardening – sun breaks, not very cold at night, only a bit of wind. Times like that need to be used when they happen – February won’t give up on winter at all even a little bit. Snow showers and overnight temps… Continue reading Winter Week 2
February Monthly Update
Hi all – Somehow the month is running past without the “Monthly Update” having gone out – so, apologies. February has decided that it is Spring, with daytime temperatures in the upper forties and even a few days making it above 50. The tracking thermometer in the greenhouse tells the story: That means that early… Continue reading February Monthly Update
Winter Season 2022 Week 1
Here it comes – this is the first of the eight Winter season weekly pickings, which is very exciting, at least if you are craving some excellent greens. The very earliest plantings for this season happened November 10th. The lesson learned in 2021 was that cool and dark (winter is starting in November, so far… Continue reading Winter Season 2022 Week 1
2022 Winter Season starting up!
Winter distribution starts this next week – pretty exciting, at least here at the farm there is excitement. One of the stressful parts of the Winter season is not being able to accurately predict how fast things will get ready to go out. The lettuce for the first session was planted November 10th, all because… Continue reading 2022 Winter Season starting up!
January 2022 Update
Wishing you all a happy 2022- hoping for good things to come to all… And here is what the CSA is planning for the year as an offering of something good for all! First, and most simple: If you would like to be on the CSA email list, please comment or email and ask so.… Continue reading January 2022 Update