Winter…. Our first week of “Winter” season is squarely on top of a snow forecast. The generally observation is that February runs to snow, at least over the last few years. Those of you planning on coming to the farm may come or you may want to postpone till Sunday or Monday or When You… Continue reading Winter Week 1 in the box
Author: Doug
--- 'farmer doug' is the planner and heavy lifter for the CSA and the LLC. Loves to teach; "ask him the time, he'll tell you how to make a clock." Always has a new idea to try, some of which work. BTW - if you try and phone call, and you are NOT in his caller ID you will not be answered - just leave a message and you will be called right back.
February’s Monthly Update
February. This is a wet, but warmer than usual February thus far. The important things going on for the CSA are all around seed starts and setting out plants. All eight of the greenhouse beds are full and growing for Winter 1 and 2, and seed starts are in the propagation benches for Green 1.… Continue reading February’s Monthly Update
CSA monthly update mail list test
Hello Members… It turns out that there are secrets to the use of the ’email a post to the members’ process which have, thus far, eluded my grasp. That said, I appear to of stumbled upon the proper way to hold my mouth while I say the right thing. You have a couple of things… Continue reading CSA monthly update mail list test
In The Box Test Email
So – this is a test to see if the ‘in the box’ email will actually be generated. There is a prior posting that has the info… Doug
In the Box preview – Winter
Hi Winter Members! This is an early heads up and test of the website posting of ‘what’s in the box this week.’ Obviously, we are two weeks from actually starting. That said, it is important to see if the website posting works for this purpose. Here is the part you may actually be interested in… Continue reading In the Box preview – Winter
Early Note about the monthly update…
HI! There are a couple of things that need to be done here before the February update goes out. First, this monthly update is being posted from the shiny new and somewhat, er, rough website. So – the big question is “does this work for sending out a status update.” The other question is… Continue reading Early Note about the monthly update…
Planning and Doing
schedule_0124 There is a continued tension between planning and doing. Gardening for a CSA has a peculiarity – there needs to be produce. Every. Week. Produce. The variables that affect the ability to deliver are both those we can control, and those we have to deal with. The schedule for the year is pretty much… Continue reading Planning and Doing
Why we are doing the website
It has frequently occurred to me that our farm is something somewhat unique for people. Statistically, 1.3% of Americans live on a farm. That impacts the entire thought process about food, about nature, about life and death and purpose. FB has done well for spinning episodes of our life here; it has the shortcoming of… Continue reading Why we are doing the website
What’s in a What’s in the box email/post
What’s in the box is a narrative regarding those veggies that are in the current garden, together with opinions and observations of the recent events that strike my fancy that week. There is a table of varieties, and a chance for the members to opt in or out of certain things. A comment might be… Continue reading What’s in a What’s in the box email/post
The CSA, The CSA, we are the CSA…
Perhaps you, oh gentle reader, are curious about becoming assimilated into the Borg of the CSA. Or, at least curious about how that happens. Well. Let us show you the way! You peruse this web site discussion of the CSA; what it is and does. You decide that yes, you want to give it a… Continue reading The CSA, The CSA, we are the CSA…