FarmCraft Update November 2023

Shilo FarmCraft – it is the time of year when the craft shops fire back up! Here are four new designs from the embroidery shop:  A to-be framed car: and three towels: The towels are $25, the on-a-frame car is a larger pattern and is $50… Oh – and the what-can-be-made from Cedar planter has… Continue reading FarmCraft Update November 2023

Categorized as FarmCraft

Extended Season Week 2 of 4

After a bitter cold experience last week a lot of garden cleanup was needed. That continues this week – although the weather guesser claims there will be a lot of rain Wednesday – Thursday, so well what gets cleaned up moves into the greenhouse. Obviously, those items that seemed to persist longer than usual are… Continue reading Extended Season Week 2 of 4

Week 18 – the end is near!

Another interrupted Wednesday evening – so here is the “weekly update” where there are two weeks after this delivery for the main season. One of the unusual crops here isn’t really edible – our decor squash. They are essentially ready any time. Because they are decor and not edible (well, it is possible that you… Continue reading Week 18 – the end is near!