Another week of the CSA comes upon you – the 12th Week. That sounds like it should be important, but in the CSA case it really isn’t too big a deal. The side job of making hay took time this week – there are now about 750 bales of hay in the barn, and another… Continue reading Week 12
Author: Doug
--- 'farmer doug' is the planner and heavy lifter for the CSA and the LLC. Loves to teach; "ask him the time, he'll tell you how to make a clock." Always has a new idea to try, some of which work. BTW - if you try and phone call, and you are NOT in his caller ID you will not be answered - just leave a message and you will be called right back.
Week 11
August is a funny month here at the farm – it starts off with lots of long days, and at the end the door of summer is getting slammed shut. The traditional August crops are running late because of all the lame excuses you have heard all year, but right now they are making a… Continue reading Week 11
Week 10
Officially halfway this week – that is, halfway through the calendar for the main season. The main event on the farm this week was the whole cycle with the baby calf – born, unable to be fed by mom, taught to drink from a bottle, and sold. For some reason this is a disruptive experience.… Continue reading Week 10
Week 9
Pretty hot today (7/26) and going to stay that way for a while. The early potatoes are fed up with this, so they are being pulled and cleared from their bed in preparation for The Next Thing – likely a cool season brassica or lettuce. That is a bit of a tricky bed, really sandy… Continue reading Week 9
Week 8 in the box
Hope you are having a great summer – the farm is hopping right now – and the weather is getting some good in for a change! And here it is week 8… Not exactly veggies, but hay, what can you say. There are almost 40 acres of hayfield and grazing paddocks on the farm –… Continue reading Week 8 in the box
In the box week 7
Here we are in week 7 – amazing how quickly the season rolls past! You have heard for the whole season the complaint about the weather – cold, wet, windy… yada yada yada. This seems to now be behind us, and so the garden is in a major rush to grow before, well, Fall. The… Continue reading In the box week 7
Week 6 already!
Some nice weather, and all the plants that were waiting in trays have made it into the ground – the main beds are starting to look like they were supposed to be in May! The front row in the above picture shows just how miserably the green beans germinated. New seed, sprouted in the trays… Continue reading Week 6 already!
Week 5
Another week opens up before us… frantic process getting things in the ground. The peppers, eggplant, summer squash and more brassicas, continuing to replant lettuce as it goes. The side job is trying to beat the overgrown grass and weeds into submission. If you look closely at the following picture you can sorta-kinda see what… Continue reading Week 5
Week 4 of Main Season
First day of “summer” and winter left yesterday… Spring? What Spring… Here we go. Frantically throwing plants into the ground now that the temps are up and looking good. This Spring totally flummoxed the garden – what was out didn’t thrive, and what was in just barely met the needs. In theory, this is all… Continue reading Week 4 of Main Season
Week 3 Has Come Upon Us
Goodness – how time flies! The main update which is really good news is that after that nasty 3″ rainstorm late last week it has been dry enough to actually work in the outside garden. Hilled up the early potatoes – accidentally exposed a pretty nice baby red – still a bit too small to… Continue reading Week 3 Has Come Upon Us