Week 6 of Green Season

Another week, another frost. Granted, this just barely was a frost, plants were mildly touched – summer squash was probably hurt the most, but the potatoes were very much not at all happy. Other than those two, the rest of the frost sensitive plants were safely tucked in the greenhouse. That, in itself is of… Continue reading Week 6 of Green Season

Shilofarm May Monthly

April has come and gone, here we are in May – and still having more than expected weather that challenges the garden. The Green Season members are getting that news weekly – in particular with the delayed maturation of outside planted crops. It seems that once or twice a week there is enough dry to… Continue reading Shilofarm May Monthly

Green Season Week 5

First, it is annoying to the box packer to have a nicely filled box which wilts in 10 minutes to become a half-empty looking box. The emotional response is that the CSA is short of good stuff. The main culprits include the Chard and the Mustard – although the Bibb lettuce in the box last… Continue reading Green Season Week 5

Green Week 4

Here we are at week 4, the first half of Green Season ends this week; next week the lettuce, at least, will be from the outside garden! The big help for that outside lettuce was to put a floating crop cover over it. The lettuce, the snap peas and the cabbage (all outside) are safely… Continue reading Green Week 4

Green Week 3

It should come as no surprise to you that this is more winter than spring. The consequences for the CSA are all rather distressing – the rate of growth drops, the outside beds are too wet to till, plants that should be set out are lingering in the trays. Perhaps the most annoying is that… Continue reading Green Week 3

Green Week 2

This week is why new plants are still in the greenhouse- very cold and snowy weather is happening. The greenhouse is so very important to the early season, and even for the first part of main season as new plants are started and grown out for a 4–6-week window. Unfortunately, or perhaps factually, the first… Continue reading Green Week 2

Green Season Week 1

Week 1 – Green Season commences – note that the email to the Green Season members already went out. In the event you did NOT get said email – then speak up quick because the farm accounts are messed up and the world will fall apart even more than it has already. Now – Green… Continue reading Green Season Week 1

April 2022 Update

April is fully upon the farm – with the required bad weather here at the start. Lots of wind, rain & hail just to keep the job from being boring. Being inside the greenhouse in a hail/wind burst is a bit like being inside a drum with a long drum roll sounding. The old farm… Continue reading April 2022 Update

Week 7 (already!)

This week, next week, and on into Green Season. Lots of planting and bed preparation underway for the main season – it makes sense, but it feels funny, or odd – that planting needs to be done now for the first part of the main season. Lots of potatoes in the ground this week, for… Continue reading Week 7 (already!)