April Monthly Update

Hope you are enjoying the spring-like moments that are happening – The garden is getting ready to be a very busy place – There are probably 35 trays of seedlings that are just itching to be set out after what seems like a last frost this week. The greenhouse is full, and there are a… Continue reading April Monthly Update

Week 6 of the winter season

Here’s a haiku for this week… Greenhouse bounty, Crisp leaves and spicy radish, Winter’s gift in green. Obviously the farm has a new toy/tool for these weekly updates. There is a fascination with poetry going on – probably too much time in the dirt. That said, the haiku is right. Week 6 (two weeks more… Continue reading Week 6 of the winter season

Winter Week 5

First – if you didn’t see the posting on the “Boyce’s Shilofarm CSA” facebook page – there is a ton of happy going on here because La Nina has up and gone. The main beds, the upper beds, the overnight temperatures – all is great for the garden. For most years there has been enough… Continue reading Winter Week 5

Winter Week 4.

It is pretty exciting to see a ‘normal’ Spring coming up before us – this next week 6 trays of start get to venture outside the greenhouse!  The ten day forecast, the climate prediction three month forecast, all point to a PNW Spring – cool at night, 50s going on up over time during the… Continue reading Winter Week 4.

Winter week 3 – Brrr!

As expected, the end of February and the start of March are attempting to demonstrate that They Are Winter. Here at Shilofarm there wasn’t a lot of snow – but there were two days that hit the very low 20’s which is considered to be officially cold. There seems to be a positive correlation between… Continue reading Winter week 3 – Brrr!