Green 4… what? because!

Another week of really nice warm Spring weather – everything at the farm and the garden is exploding into growth and blossom – it is really really wonderful after the debacle of 2022, may it live in infamy. Last year was a terrible year for tree fruit. As you can see from the above picture,… Continue reading Green 4… what? because!

Green Three!

There is much joy in the garden this week – an amazing onset of Nice Weather – just right for crops to be set out and all that dirt swimming associated with the process! Although there is a New Bad Pest problem. For the first time in known history the suddenly nice weather caused all… Continue reading Green Three!

Green Season Week 1

Green Season kicks off this Friday with delivery and Saturday for farm call – members have been sent a version of this post in their email. If you expected to be in the green season and did NOT get an email – well, there is a problem and you should speak up! Green season rather… Continue reading Green Season Week 1

Week 6 of the winter season

Here’s a haiku for this week… Greenhouse bounty, Crisp leaves and spicy radish, Winter’s gift in green. Obviously the farm has a new toy/tool for these weekly updates. There is a fascination with poetry going on – probably too much time in the dirt. That said, the haiku is right. Week 6 (two weeks more… Continue reading Week 6 of the winter season

Winter Week 5

First – if you didn’t see the posting on the “Boyce’s Shilofarm CSA” facebook page – there is a ton of happy going on here because La Nina has up and gone. The main beds, the upper beds, the overnight temperatures – all is great for the garden. For most years there has been enough… Continue reading Winter Week 5