It is pretty exciting to see a ‘normal’ Spring coming up before us – this next week 6 trays of start get to venture outside the greenhouse! The ten day forecast, the climate prediction three month forecast, all point to a PNW Spring – cool at night, 50s going on up over time during the… Continue reading Winter Week 4.
Category: CSA In The Box
Weekly description of what is in the box
Winter week 3 – Brrr!
As expected, the end of February and the start of March are attempting to demonstrate that They Are Winter. Here at Shilofarm there wasn’t a lot of snow – but there were two days that hit the very low 20’s which is considered to be officially cold. There seems to be a positive correlation between… Continue reading Winter week 3 – Brrr!
Winter Season week 2 in the snow…
Here we go – the hopefully last gasp of winter cold is here. Your veggies are all tucked nicely into their warm beds, though – well. Except for the carrots and parsnips! Here’s what is happening this week, and what to expect for your box choices: Carrots and Parsnips are in plentiful supply. The plan… Continue reading Winter Season week 2 in the snow…
Winter Season – week 1 is come!
This is the first week of winter season – with all that entails. The good news is that the weather has been about as good as it can be for the winter season. In theory there should be an “and the bad news” comment – but the best (worst?) that can be said is that… Continue reading Winter Season – week 1 is come!
Week 3 of the extended season – the day the Cabbage Came
Another Tuesday, another update from the CSA. Technically there is only one left after this for the year, so tough it out, you can make it! Behold the Cabbage: This is a bit ironic – two weeks left, and there FINALLY is a nice looking brassica! So – guess what you all will have in… Continue reading Week 3 of the extended season – the day the Cabbage Came
Week two of four in the extended season
Wow. What a lot of Fall weather all at once! A quick freeze, and then several inches of rain and that is all for drought, smoke and heat! The major questions for the garden are how much damage from the freeze. The challenge of picking in the rain or at a minimum cold and windy… Continue reading Week two of four in the extended season
Let the extended season commence!
Extended season week 1 – also known as “clean out what is left” season… Fall has three ‘events’ only one of which is certain in its arrival: Dark happens more than light. The other two are fall rain/storms and first frost. So far, only the Fall of the First Part has happened. The major impact… Continue reading Let the extended season commence!
Week 20!
This week wraps up main season – good, bad and ugly. Those of you ending your year – be sure and set your box out next week as usual for pickup and a gift. Those of you continuing – four weeks of extended season awaits your veggie pleasure, thank you for your support! this picture… Continue reading Week 20!
Nineteenth week of the main season!
Everything comes to a close sometime, and the CSA main season is very near to done. In the fall as things draw to a close part of the garden job is cleaning up and preparing the beds for winter, and then for Spring. The main goal is to not make the same mistakes ever again:… Continue reading Nineteenth week of the main season!
week 18
welcome to Fall! Fall actually by the calendar came in the middle of last week – but hey, it is real now. Nights are more than daylight, cooler temps and some rain forecast for the pick day on Wednesday. That inspired picking of the slow and tedious plants tonight. Somehow there ended up being 10… Continue reading week 18