Only Three weeks left!

Time to ask those of you who signed up for the main season if you are going to tag on the Extended season – obviously, if you paid for the whole year that isn’t a question.  Officially, the last week of Main season ends Oct. 15 (farm call Saturday). Extended season is four additional weeks… Continue reading Only Three weeks left!

Week 15 – 5 left!

Happy September… This is a continuation of “How strange is the weather.” In 2021, there was a frost in September. In 2022, it is running in the 80’s. The peppers and tomatoes are rocking it – and green beans are (finally) getting ripe. The Friday and Saturday crews last week got green beans, it looks… Continue reading Week 15 – 5 left!

Week 14 and counting

Last boxes of August/First boxes of September this week. Carrots and beans are making a debut, Broccoli, Cauliflower and Cabbage are being shy. Note that those 90+ days that seem to pop up for two or three days in the row are NOT what Brocc, Caul and Cabb like. Oh, and corn is (finally) showing… Continue reading Week 14 and counting

Week 13 in the box

In the interest of science, one of the baby hot peppers was tested by the farm “one who puts most everything into his mouth.” Be assured, spicy peppers are available this week, including one with a small bite out of it. It starts out quiet, calm, and a bit sweet. Then you can’t taste anything.… Continue reading Week 13 in the box

Week 12

Another week of the CSA comes upon you – the 12th Week. That sounds like it should be important, but in the CSA case it really isn’t too big a deal. The side job of making hay took time this week – there are now about 750 bales of hay in the barn, and another… Continue reading Week 12

Week 11

August is a funny month here at the farm – it starts off with lots of long days, and at the end the door of summer is getting slammed shut. The traditional August crops are running late because of all the lame excuses you have heard all year, but right now they are making a… Continue reading Week 11

Week 10

Officially halfway this week – that is, halfway through the calendar for the main season. The main event on the farm this week was the whole cycle with the baby calf – born, unable to be fed by mom, taught to drink from a bottle, and sold. For some reason this is a disruptive experience.… Continue reading Week 10

Week 9

Pretty hot today (7/26) and going to stay that way for a while. The early potatoes are fed up with this, so they are being pulled and cleared from their bed in preparation for The Next Thing – likely a cool season brassica or lettuce. That is a bit of a tricky bed, really sandy… Continue reading Week 9

Week 8 in the box

Hope you are having a great summer – the farm is hopping right now – and the weather is getting some good in for a change! And here it is week 8… Not exactly veggies, but hay, what can you say. There are almost 40 acres of hayfield and grazing paddocks on the farm –… Continue reading Week 8 in the box